The Spinning Gears of My Mind

There are so many things that define me and it seems that the majority of me is my mind.  I know that to others I am so much more.  But to myself almost all that I can see is what goes on inside of my mind.  Life is made up of energy and it seems that all the energy in my life is mostly burned up through the spinning of the invisible gears of my mind.

My mind is constantly in a state of momentum yet it seems that my behaviors rarely match the activity level inside my brain.  Today as I thought through the great continuum of ideas through my mind, I seemed to come to some very good ideas and conclusions on questions that came up.  However, I came to realize that to a large degree thinking or even knowing (which is what seems so important to my OCD) does absolutely nothing! I can continue to live in my mind with all of its amazing ideas and yet no matter how amazing, inventive, fantastic, world-changing they are… they continue to do NOTHING…they are just thoughts.  Unless I create action.  The thoughts can be useful, I can imagine something that will one day make a difference in my life or the life of others BUT it will never happen unless I act on these thoughts.

If this is true then that means that the same has to be true for OCD thoughts.  The thoughts are just that…thoughts…unless or until I act on them.  I don’t know how many times I have heard this uttered…they are just thoughts…but I couldn’t get the true meaning of it until it hit me on the head and finally the light bulb went off.  I now Logically understand it takes both thoughts AND action to truly make something important or meaningful.  That being said, there will always be the Illogical part of me that automatically wants to put deep intrinsic meaning into every “bad” thought that comes my way.

In the bible at James 2:26 it says that Faith without Works is dead.  This could be true in every aspect of our life.  It takes works or actions to bring a thought to life.

And I am disappointed to say how much of my life is spent inside my mind with all of the gears churning.  Some I am happy to say that they are just thoughts and is not indicative of an action that will inevitably happen because the thought existed.  I would rather not have the thought….but I am thankful it exists just the way it is…a thought without action.  Others I am ashamed to say I have allowed to stay as thoughts instead of actions because of fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, and OCD.

How can fear, anxiety, shame, guilt, and OCD take these masterpieces of my mind away from me?  Easily…it tricks me, and I allow myself to be fooled into believing it.  They tell me I am not good enough to pull it off.  I will fail.  I will look like an idiot.  I will make a fool of myself.  And then if I am strong enough to combat all of that straight trash talk to look at the possibility that I might succeed, it gives me all the negatives of success.  I am not being humble enough.  I will make people hate me by succeeding.  I will become obsessed with power and lose everything precious to me.  I will be creating more problems by rising above.

So how do I choose what to do?  This is the saddest part… Many times I don’t.  I sit there in the midst of the storm of thoughts and wish my life away.  I sit there unable to decide, not knowing the best (what most people would describe as perfect) way to go.  By not moving forward…I am actually moving backward as life continues on leaving me sitting there with only…..The spinning gears of my  mind.

About logicallyillogicalwithocd

I am a woman with OCD that is working on overcoming this disorder by all means possible. I was diagnosed with OCD at the age of 12 although early memories tend to point towards times of OCD tendencies my whole life. It was only at the age of 12 that it completely disrupted my life and the life of my family that there was NO way to ignore something was "wrong". I have had many ups and downs and with this downturn I decided to learn new ways to deal with my OCD and it has brought great satisfaction to me finding out through this trial the comfort and satisfaction it gives me to express myself in writing. I have many goals in writing this blog. 1) reach out to others and let them know... they are NOT ALONE. 2) help myself to heal and move along despite having OCD 3) educate others that do not have OCD that it is not a disorder of weak minded people but one of strong, compassionate, intelligent, creative, and lovable people that you could meet on the street and have not idea "there was something wrong".

Posted on June 12, 2012, in Uncategorized and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. Wow! This post explains so well what so many with OCD experience. I know my son has solved all the world’s problems in his mind, as well as being incredibly creative, in his mind. He is doing very well, but I see how it is still difficult for him to act on all his great thoughts…..

  2. Great insightful post- thank you! So true- and a good reminder to DO things in our lives, not just think think and think about them.

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